You are here: SillyDog701 > Message Centre Feedback

This Feedback Form is for support on using SillyDog701 Message Centre (SD701 Forums) only. This is for problems logging into our Forums, questions regarding SD701 Forums, or technical issues on using SillyDog701 Message Centre. Please note this feedback form is not for technical support on software problems such as Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox browsers. Please use our Feedback section for all other feedbacks.

If you cannot login, and you just registered

  • It is likely that your account is not yet activated. To activate your account, simply click the link sent to your email address. If you can't find the email sending from SillyDog701 Message Centre, chances are you might have SPAM filter on, please check the Junk/Bulk email section.

If you forgot your password

  • If you still remember your username and still have access to the email address (you provided us), please use this Password Reset Page.
    Please note: a new password would be emailed to the email address that you provided us. If you provided a wrong email address OR you no longer have access to that email account, please use the feedback form below.

  • If you do not remember your username OR do not have access to the email address (on the profile), please use the feedback form below, and please provide as much information as possible.

if you received an email from another member, and believe it's a SPAM/SCAM

  • We apologise for the inconvenience. Please provide detailed information about the email, if possible, please copy and paste entire email in the form below, so we can investigate.

  • You can simply change your profile settings to "Hide email", so no other forum member may send you SPAM/SCAM through SillyDog701 Message Centre. To do so, simply click "Profile and Preferences" link on top left of each forum pages.

Feedback Form for SillyDog701 Message Centre

NOTE: Please fill in as much as information as possible to help us assist progress the enquiry. We protect your privacy, please check our privacy statement.

Your name:  
E-mail: (please check if e-mail is correct)

username used in SillyDog701 Message Centre
email address used for registration:  
the email address you supplied to SillyDog701 Message Centre when registering.

Please indicate your problem:
Note: No technical questions about Netscape/Mozilla please.

Report spam/scam:
Note: Please provide a copy of email sending from SillyDog701 Message Centre.

Thank you for contacting us.
: If you wish to receive my reply, please make sure you provided a correct e-mail address.

Thank You!

If you want to support SillyDog701, please use this page.

If you have problem logging in or need support on using our Forums, please use this Feedback Form.

helpIf you have questions about Netscape, Mozilla, or Firefox , please ask in SillyDog701 Message Centre.

feedbackIf you have problem regarding to Netscape Browser Archive, please use Netscape Browser Archive Feedback form.

feedbackIf you want to report broken links, please use Netscape Browser Archive Feedback Form.

If you want to support SillyDog701, please use this page.
inside SillyDog701
+Message Centre - our friendly technical support forums.
UserAgent strings - SillyDog701's huge collection.
Apple Mac vs PC - The SillyDog701 debate. Join our debate.
SD701 Open Directory - SillyDog701's guide to the web.
feedbackFeedback - we'd like to hear from you.

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