Stuffit Expander, MacBinaryII Problem |
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Can't find application program Stuffit Expander or MacBinaryII
Problem: I just downloaded the latest version of Netscape and when I double click the icon it says "Can't find application program Stuffit Expander or MacBinary". Answer: First, if you have the option to save, then save the file. Remember the name and location that you save as. The file you downloaded is still compressed and needs to be decompressed with Stuffit Expander (SE). When Netscape is unable to find the Stuffit application you will get this message. Sometimes this error message indicates that Stuffit Expander is not installed on the system. You can get Stuffit Expander from the Aladdin Systems web page. If you get the error message that you need MacBinaryII+ you will need to install Stuffit Expander. MacBinaryII+ is an old method of translating binary-formatted documents (Mac formats are incompatible with the Internet and must be in a binary format). Stuffit Expander will do the trick, however, and you should have a copy of it, especially if you have Navigator 3.x or higher on your computer. To open your file using the Stuffit Expander:
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