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Evolution of SillyDog701
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Recent Changes:

16th November, 2004: MozInfo701 was the first online news media to report the Netscape Browser Prototype Review programme.
15th October, 2004: Netscape celebrates 10th brithday, C|Net mentions SillyDog701's "The Relationship between Netscape, Mozilla and SillyDog701" article.
25th September, 2004: Switch Guide is now online. Telling users why they should switch to Netscape, Mozilla or Firefox, and a simple guide on how to switch.
23rd June, 2004: The Relationship between Netscape, Mozilla and SillyDog701 - a quick guide and a historical perspective.
4 April, 2004: SillyDog701 moved to dedicated server. Users should expect less Message Centre downtime and faster server response.
4 October, 2003: new templates of SillyDog701 are updated, with clean and less cluttered design and faster loading speed.
3 October, 2003: improved We are pleased to release new improved layout for SillyDog701 Message Centre located in our new server. SillyDog701 Open Directory is no longer available.
3 October, 2003: moved SillyDog701 moved to a NEW server and hope this new server provides more reliable and faster service.
September, 2003: SillyDog701's FTP server was hacked. It was fixed one week after. The total transfer reached 1 TB in 1 1/2 weeks.
22 May, 2003: new Alternatives to Microsoft's Products is now available, a linked document for What's So Bad About Microsoft.
17 March, 2003: new Netscape 7.02 Streamline Japanese Version released, special thanks to Joji Ikeda. This is our first Netscape Streamline in Japanese language.
28 Feburary, 2003: new Netscape 7.02 Streamline released, leaner and better than ever.
8 Feburary, 2003: new Knowledge Base article: Teach Netscape to Remember Newsgroup Passwords, thanks to Mr. Tinkles for this helpful step-by-step guide.
15 January, 2003: Network Query Tools available in SillyDog701.
15 January, 2003: Netscape (and Mozilla) browser is the most popular browser used in SillyDog701 in first half of January. More than 50% of people use Netscape (including all Mozilla based browsers) in SillyDog701.

Major development logs:

October 2003: New web server, faster forums, and improved layout for SillyDog701.
March 2003: First Netscape Streamline available in Japanese, special thanks to Joji Ikeda.
August 2002: New design of Netscape Browser Archive.
July 2002, new message board - SillyDog701 Message Centre faster, stylish and more features.
July 2002, SillyDog701 Sidebar is available.
July 2002, new polished layout of SillyDog701.
June 2002: new FTP space, an independent server. SillyDog701 is aim to provide better service.
Feburary 2002, SillyDog701 hosts with CommuniTech.Net.
Feburary 2001, Silly Dog 701 hosts with
Feburary 2001, Silly Dog 701 now has its own domain
December 1999, Award from Seven Wonders as the Technical Support Site of the Week on December 19th.
November 1999, message board, Netscape Browser Archive Forum (at Webhanger server)
November 1999, the directory or search engine, Silly Dog 701 Open Directory available.
July 1999, Netscape Browser Archive is available with dynamic version.
Junurary 1999, New URL for Silly Dog 701 at
March 1998, Silly Dog 701 wins Creativity Award from A Long Way From Home.
November 1997, Tips of Communicator featuring dynamic LAYER design.
Janurary 1997, Silly Dog 701 online with ihug (The Internet Group, Ltd).

Development History:

Year 2002
17 December, 2002: Netscape 7.01 Streamline releases, this streamline build features only 42% (or 33% for Nav only) of the full Netscape package from Netscape.
3 September, 2002: Netscape 7.0 Streamline releases, this streamline build features only 41% (or 32% for Nav only) of the full Netscape package from Netscape.
31 August, 2002: Internal testing started for Streamline 7.0 to have high quality assurance.
30 August, 2002: updated Very Netscape wallpaper based on the new Netscape 7 released.
28 August, 2002: New design of Netscape Browser Archive is offically released.
28 August, 2002: Netscape released 7.0 and SillyDog701's browser archive page reached one of the highest hits of all time.
23 August, 2002: New design of Netscape Browser Archive is open for public testing, all opinions welcome.
29 July, 2002: New Feature SillyDog701 Sidebar now has new feature of listing latest posts from SillyDog701 Message Centre.
20 July, 2002: Fixed FTP server access problem fixed, and more files will be uploaded to the FTP server. WinACE 2.2 is available from our FTP server.
19 July, 2002: New layout of SillyDog701 starts to replace the designe used since 2001.
18 July, 2002: sorry. Due to misconfigure of my FTP hosts, the is not accessiable. I will try to get it fixed as soon as possible.
13 July, 2002: New message board (SillyDog701 Message Centre) replaces old Netscape Browser Archive Message Forum.
4 July, 2002, new SillyDog701 Sidebar provides latest topics from Message Centre.
19 June, 2002: New message board (SillyDog701 Message Centre) is available for public testing. This new message board is based on the popular phpBB.
8 June, 2002: New FTP space available, this will solve the problem of file spaces and downloading problems of Streamlined series.
14 May, 2002: E-mail notification is now working in Netscape Browser Message Forum.
14 May, 2002: Common Netscape Profile for Dual Booting article is available in Netscape Knowledge Base. This article would believe to be the first one in this topic, we can't find any similar articles in Yahoo!,, Open Directory yet.
14 May, 2002: What's so bad about Microsoft article is now mirrored with permission in Silly Dog 701.
24 Mar, 2002: Netscape 6.2.2 Streamline series are available for downloads (Windows version); (Linux Version: 26 Mar 2002 available on Mac Version available on 3 Apr 2002).
14 Feb, 2002: new Excite for Web Servers search engine is used for searching Silly Dog 701 and Netscape Browser Archive.
9 Feb, 2002:"Very Netscape" desktop wallpaper is created by Silly Dog 701.
4 Feb, 2002: Silly Dog 701 is shifting to new web hosting company (CommuniTech.Net).
Year 2001
9 Dec, 2001: Netscape 6.2.1 Streamline series are available from Silly Dog 701.
20 Nov, 2001: Netscape 6.2 Streamline series are available from Silly Dog 701.
5 Sept, 2001: Netscape 6.1 Streamline series are available from Silly Dog 701, first Streamline series products from SillyDog701.
5 Jul, 2001: White background of printable Netscape Browser Archive is available for saving inks.
2 Jun 2001: Printable version of Netscape Browser Archive is available for those who want a hardcopy.
22 May 2001: New page, The Book of Mozilla, read extracts from Easter eggs from Netscape.
4 May 2001: New messge forum for Netscape Browser Archive is implemented in server.
2 May 2001:Searching Silly Dog 701 function implemented.
21 Apr 2001: The entire website is cleaning up, and shifting to
8 Feb 2001: Silly Dog 701 now has its own domain
1 Feb 2001: New design of Netscape Browser Archive is being updated, related page will be updated shortly. New design of the page will featuring easy navigation, user friendly and rich in information. The previously design is archived.
Year 2000
October 2000, advertisements in Netscape Browser Archive page are removed.
4 Mar 2000, new page Netscape Now! buttons available, Special thank you to Peter Evans for taking some of his Now! button collections.
Feburary 2000, advertisement is placed in Netscape Browser Archive page.
22 Jan 2000, minor updates.
10 Jan 2000, Silly Dog 701 Open Directory (Search Engine) encountered some problem.
2 Jan 2000, happy new millennium, and year 2000 Countdown (JavaScript) removed.
Year 1999
19 Dec 99, Netscape Browser Archive receives award from Seven Wonders as the Technical Support Site of the Week on December 19th. Go to Awards page.
21 Nov 99, a new message board, Netscape Browser Archive Forum, is available for discussion about downloading Netscape browsers and/or anything related to Netscape Browser Archive page.
13 Nov 99, the original search pages are removed, please use Silly Dog 701 Open Directory instead.
30 Oct 99, Due to the push technology did not keep developing since early 98, Silly Dog 701 Channel page removed (Netscape Netcaster channel).
15 Sep 99, Dynamic HTML Design on line in Silly Dog 701 at Webhanger.
29 Jul 99, Silly Dog 701 Open Directory is updated to v1.33 and shifted to new location.
18 Jul 99, Dynamic version of Netscape Browser Archive is available, and named The (enhanced) Official Mirror Page Netscape Browser Archive.
16 Jul 99, New Search function is available in Silly Dog 701 Open Directory which uses Personal Open Directory (POD) v1.24
10 Jul 99, Netscape Browser Archive, the Official Mirror page, is hosted with permission given by Nick Barrett.
1 Jun 99, New location for Silly Dog 701 is at This server will provided more functions.
23 May 99, My PGP Public Key is now available at PGP Key page.
16 May 99, Four new nice dawn photos added to Photo Collection page.
16 May 99, One new photo of me available at My Photo page.
14 May 99, About Me page is re-designing. Special thanks to Ronald Song for his suggestion.
14 May 99, SD701 news in newsbox (currently available for Communicator in Main page) is cleaned our old news.
26 Feb 99, Special icon in Content page now works.
24 Feb 99, Year 2000 icon added, for more information about year 2000 click here.
29 Jan 99, Minor performance fixed.
24 Jan 99, Two new tips in the Tips for Netscape Communicator section.
Year 1998
27 Nov 98, What's New section is now showing up in Dynamic for both Communicator and IE4 users.
25 Nov 98, Dynamic HTML Design page has new dynamic effect (cross-browser)for starting up.
17 Nov 98, Due to the down time and lost from my ISP's homepage server, Silly Dog 701 is trying to back up all files. And re-designing will be appearing by the end of this month.
1 Nov 98, Re-designing is in process, new pages should be available soon.
2 Jul 98, Cross-browser dyanmic menu support in Dynamic HTML Design.
22 Jun 98, Dynamic HTML Design in on Silly Dog 701.
10 Apr 98, Silly Dog 701 starts to use Dynamic Font for both Netscape Communicator and IE4 users
25 Mar 98, Silly Dog 701 wins Creativity Award from A Long Way From Home. Go to Awards page.
4 Mar 98, New DYNAMIC page, Link to the World has finished.
28 Feb 98, Two new search engines, infoseek and webcrawler is added to Search on line page.
20 Feb 98, Slide Puzzle game is available.
17 Feb 98, Silly Dog 701 has 3 mirror sites. Main Site is in NZ and three mirror sites are in Tripod, GeoCities, and FortuneCity.
8 Feb 98, Year 2000 Count Down JavaScript is showing in Start Page.
7 Feb 98, New TypeWriter9 JavaApplet being used in non-dynamic Start Page.
4 Feb 98, More photos are added on and some changes in Feedback.
29 Jan 98, My photo is available.
20 Jan 98, Silly Dog 701 is available on channel.
6 Jan 98, Another DYNAMIC page, About Me has finished.
Year 1997
30 Dec 97, new sliding show applet is working in main page.
18 Dec 97, Silly Dog 701 now joins FXWebTrack for giving visiting page information.
12 Dec 97, The entire Silly Dog 701 is using a better structure to re-written, this can reducing loading time a lot.
1 Dec 97, Silly Dog 701 is now open for free advertisements for your homepage.
30 Nov 97, JavaScript bug in Tips of Communicator has been fixed.
28 Nov 97, The new DYNAMIC, Layer designed page of Tips of Communicator has finished.
25 Nov 97, most graphs used in Silly Dog 701 are now reducing its size, and reducing colour used, the quality has only
lost slightly, this can increase downloading speed.
21 Nov 97, all the repeating JavaScript (Fading.js) is now in separate file, this can speed up loading time.
20 Nov 97, Silly Dog 701 is now support CSS1 (Cascading Style Sheet Lever 1), visitors using Netscape Communicator
4+ or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3+ will have better layout support.
8 September 97, a new designed welcome page is on .
2 September 97, in memorial of Princess Diana, fireworks is temporary off the site.
7 August 97, new functions are now in Contents page.
28 July 97, better images are started to design, it should not take too long to complete.
7 July 97, after the debugging in my (poor) JavaScript Language the sketilit of the Contents page is on server for public.
29 June 97, the new function in main page is on.
26 June 97, the new design is working in progress.
3 May 97, fix the form in Feedback page.
22 Mar 97, Tic-Tac-Toe game is in Silly Dog 701 now.
7 Mar 97, More to Go is new in Silly Dog 701.
26 Feb 97, JAVA Show is new in Silly Dog 701.
18 Feb 97, More about my background and my computer is in About Me page. A better layout in welcome page.
14 Feb 97, A change has done in welcome page, the counter has moved to main page. Macarena music (midi) is added to welcome. Thanks to Micky Chen.
13 Feb 97, Now you can get the headlines of New Zealand and International news in Silly Dog 701, under Contents page. Thanks to 7am News provides News Ticker.
7 Feb 97, GammaButton is used in main page for entering to other pages.
2 Feb 97, A new high colour graphic logo is now using in main page of Silly Dog 701. Please set your screen at least 800*600 in hi-colour.
30 Jan 97, In order to gain a better looking in main page can some sound effect, a Firework Java Applet is now added on main page. Thanks David O'Brien.
29 Jan 97, Feedback form is finish now. Try it now.
28 Jan 97, most of the links on Content page is working now, and still have lots to come. Add What's New and What's Cool on Content page. A direct four11 - the internet white page is working. Silly Dog 701 joined The Internet
Link Exchange.
27 Jan 97, A new graphic logo of Silly Dog 701is in page now. Content page is now on web (still under construction).
26 Jan 97, Silly Dog has just publish the welcome page and a new main page. Two more Java Applet has added
into pages.
25 Jan 97, My Homepage:Antony Shen remanded to Silly Dog 701.
23 Jan 97, A Java Applet has put in this page. Fade in and fade out are added to the start of the page and different colour layout. (I still like the green teal paper background so I leave them in the rest of pages. I hope it is better)
22 Jan 97, In order to have less crash, this page joined with SAIE. (Society Against Internet Explorer). And is best viewed
with Netscape Navigator 3, may not be able to view with M$IE. Some animation pictures are improved.
20 Jan 97, What's New section is created and more links.
18 Jan 97, This page was updated with photo collection and some links.

SillyDog701 Milestones:

September, Switch Guide available, telling people why they should switch to Mozilla, Firefox, or Netscape browsers; and how to switch.
April, new dedicated server now for SillyDog701, providing less Message Board downtime and faster server response.

October, New server for SillyDog701, new layout for Message Centre, and new improved template for SillyDog701 pages.
March, First Japanese version of Streamline series (7.02Ja) is available from SillyDog701.
January, SillyDog701's statistics showed Netscape browser hits more than 50% of usages in the first half of January.

(Fourth generation of SillyDog701)

September, new 7.0 Streamline released with longest internal testing period.
August, re-designed Netscape Browser Archive
July, SillyDog701 Sidebar
July, new polished layout
July, new message board - SillyDog701 Message Centre
June, addition of our own FTP server.
Feburary, first "Very Netscape" desktop wallpaper released
Feburary, Hosted with CommuniTech.Net

(Third generation of SillyDog701)

September, first Streamline version of Netscape released
May, Netscape Browser Archive Message Forum
Feburary, new layout design following style
Feburary, Hosted with
Feburary, own domain name -

(Second generation of SillyDog701)
screenshot of past SillyDog701

March, Netscape "Now!" buttons.

November, Silly Dog 701 Open Directory
July, Netscape Browser Archive mirrored
July, Silly Dog 701 server provided by as

July, Dynamic HTML Design
Febuaray, expands with three free web hostings.
January, available as Netcaster channel

November, first dynamic HTML page, Netscape Communicator Tips, online
January Silly Dog 701 online.

(First generation of SillyDog701)
SillyDog701 old layout

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This page was last modified on 14 April, 2005.
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