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There are some collection of common asked questions and solutions collected by SillyDog701.

The relationship between Netscape, Mozilla and SillyDog701 - a quick guide and a historical perspective
Netscape 7 Keyboard Shortcuts
The difference between each Netscape release (summary of the difference)
40-bit, 56-bit or 128-bit encryption.
Root Certificate Expiration? y2k bug?
What happened to Communicator 5?
Netscape 6/7 Profile Locations for different platforms
Netscape Communicator Tips
Netscape Communicator Quick Reference Card.
What happened to Netscape Calendar? (We know the inside story.)

How To section:
Use Firefox as the only rendering engine in Netscape 8 (Netscape 8)
Switch - an easy guide to get you switched to the browser you can trust.
exclusive Using same profile for dual booting (Linux and Windows) (Believed to be the first article on this topic.)
new Retrieving Lost Mail and Newsgroup account settings. (Thanks Ramona)
Teach your Netscape 6/7 to remember newsgroup passwords
Install Netscape on your computer (general)
Step-by-step Netscape 6 Installation Guide
Disable Netscape 6/7 Activation
Transfer or Backup Netscape Profile
Backup Netscape Mail (Commmunicator and Netscape 6/7)
Transfer Netscape address book to another computer
Remove Beatnik Player
Modify the Installation for AIM-free (by Ramona)
Modify the Installation with Preference modified (by Ramona)
Clear Location or Netsite pulldown menu in Netscape.
Remove AOL Instant Message (AIM) from Netscape browser
Netscape 7.1 resource leakage (GUI) issue in Windows platform (by Ramona) (also a detailed discussion thread).
Decompression Error about TEMP folder.
Stuffit Expander, MacBinary II Problem.
Netscape Error in MSVCRT.DLL (by Ramona)
Can't Find POSTAL.DLL Error (by Ramona)
Netscape.exe has caused an error in... (by Ramona)
Netscape Error in RPCRT4.DLL (by Ramona)
KERNEL32.DLL Error (by Ramona)

Still having questions? Don't know where to ask? Check our friendly Message Centre!

You might also want to check:

Ramona's Netscape Solution page
helpIf you have questions about Netscape, Mozilla, or Firefox, please ask in SillyDog701 Message Centre.

SillyDog701 Netscape resource

supportSupport Forum

You might also want to check:

Ramona's Netscape Solution page

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This page was last modified on 10 March, 2007.