How to Install Netscape
This page explains how to download and install Netscape browser products on
Windows, Mac OS, and Unix platforms. You should also read any Read Me files
and release notes that come with the Netscape software.
Note: Server installation is more complicated.
If you're downloading server software, please see the Read Me file that accompanies
the downloaded software.
See also:
> Step by Step Netscape 6 installation guide.
Installing on Windows
You may want to print these instructions.
Part One: Download Netscape.
- On the Netscape Browser Archive
download page, click the link for the product you want to download. It
is recommended that you choose latest shipping version of Netscape available
for your platform.
- It is a good idea to choose Base Installation rather than Complete Installation,
unless you want extra multimedia software as well (such as WinAmp, RealPlayer).
- It is also a good idea to download with downloading manager, for more information
about downloading manager, see Help
section in Netscape Browser Archive.
- Do one of the following:
- If the software is downloaded automatically into a default folder. Make
a note of the directory (folder) and filename for the software you are
downloading. For instance, if you are downloading Netscape 6, the dialog
box contains this line: "To: C:\My Download Files\N6Setup.exe". This means
you are downloading into the "My Download Files" directory, and the file
you are downloading is named "N6Setup.exe".
- If a "Save As" dialog box appears, choose a folder (such as D:\dltemp\)
for the software you are downloading. Be sure to remember the folder you
Part Two: Install Netscape.
- After downloading is complete, you may see a "Download successful" dialog
box. If you see this dialog box, click Install and go on to step 3. Otherwise,
continue with step 2.
- (Skip this step if installation has already started) Open the folder the
new software was downloaded into, and double-click the file you downloaded.
For instance, if you downloaded Netscape 6, double-click the file named "N6Setup.exe".
Depending on what you're installing, you may see InstallShield® dialogs.
- When the Netscape Setup Welcome screen appears, read the information and
click Next.
- Read the instructions on each screen. The screens vary depending on what
you're installing, but in general you are asked to do some or all of the following:
- Read and agree to a license agreement. If you decline, installation
will not continue.
- Choose a type of Setup or installation, such as "Typical," "Custom,"
"Recommended," or "Full."
- Choose a destination directory (folder). This is the location where
the new software will be installed, normally C:\Program Files\Netscape.
If you install your new software into the Netscape
folder that contains your current version of the software, your current
version will be overwritten, but you can still use your existing bookmarks,
preferences, and settings. If you wish to keep a copy of the old
version as a backup, simply choose or create a new folder for the software
you are about to install.
- Choose preferences, including specifying that you want Netscape to be
your default browser. This means that Netscape will open automatically
when you double-click files that can be displayed through a browser.
Note for Windows 3.1 users: You will be asked
if you want to continue using your existing netscape.ini file. Answer Yes
if you want to continue using your existing bookmarks and preferences; otherwise
the netscape.ini file will be overwritten and existing settings will be lost.
- When you see the prompt telling you that installation is complete, click
Important: During installation, if an earlier
version of the software is currently open, you see a message similar to this:
"Setup has detected that an instance of Communicator is currently running." If
you see this message, follow these steps:
- Click Cancel.
- Exit from the earlier version of the software.
- Open the folder the new software was downloaded into, and double-click the
file you downloaded. For instance, if you downloaded Netscape 6, double-click
the file named "N6Setup.exe".
After you restart your computer, go to the folder where you installed your
new software. Double-click the Navigator icon to launch your new browser. You
can also start Netscape from the Start menu or from the Netscape icon on your
Installing on Mac OS
You may want to print these instructions.
Part One: Download Netscape.
- On the Netscape Browser Archive
download page, click the link for the product you want to download. It
is recommended that you choose latest shipping version of Netscape available
for your platform.
- It is a good idea to download with downloading manager, for more information
about downloading manager, see Help
section in Netscape Browser Archive.
- Do one of the following:
- If you see a message similar to this: "Will open with Stuffit Expander,"
this means that the file you downloaded, which is compressed (in .bin
format), expands automatically. Go on to Part Two..
- If the file does not expand automatically, you will have to expand it
using a program such as Stuffit Expander. You can obtain Stuffit
Expander at
(To expand the downloaded file using Stuffit Expander, drag the file to
the Stuffit Expander icon.)
When downloading and expanding the file is completed, you will have the following
items on your desktop:
- A .sea file, designated by a diamond-shaped icon with four arrows.
This is the compressed file that you downloaded. (You may also have a file
with ".bin" at the end of its filename.)
- A Netscape folder named (for example) "Netscape 6 Installer" or "Communicator
4.79 Complete." This is the expanded installer and related files.
Part Two: Install Netscape.
- Open the new folder and double-click the Installer icon or the "Start Here"
- Click Continue if you see a Netscape splash screen with a Continue button.
- Read the instructions on each screen. The screens vary depending on what
you're installing, but in general you are asked to do some or all of the following:
- Read and accept a license agreement. If you decline, installation will
not continue.
- Choose a type of installation, such as "Recommended" or "Easy."
- Choose a destination directory (folder). This is the location where
the new software will be installed, normally C:\Program Files\Netscape.
If you install your new software into the Netscape folder that contains
your current version of the software, your current version will be overwritten,
but you can still use your existing bookmarks, preferences, and settings.
If you wish to keep a copy of the old version as a backup, simply choose
or create a new folder for the software you are about to install.
- Choose preferences, including specifying that you want Netscape to be
your default browser. This means that Netscape will open automatically
when you double-click files that can be displayed through a browser.
- When you see the prompt telling you that installation is complete, restart
your computer.
After you restart your computer, go to the folder where you installed your
new software. Double-click the Navigator icon to launch your new browser.
Installing on Unix
Important: Netscape 6 is supported on Linux
machines only.
These instructions assume that you have an intermediate knowledge of Unix (Linux)
command syntax and experience installing applications on Unix (Linux). If you
have any problems, please contact your system administrator.
You may want to print following instructions.
Part One: Download Your New Software.
- On the Netscape Browser Archive
download page, click the link for the product you want to download. It
is recommended that you choose latest shipping version of Netscape available
for your platform.
- It is a good idea to download with downloading manager, for more information
about downloading manager, see Help
section in Netscape Browser Archive.
- In the Save As dialog box, specify a directory for the software you are
downloading. The downloaded file is a gzip compressed
tar archive.
Part Two: Install Netscape.
- Uncompress and extract the tar file. This extracts the files to your current
tar -vzxf filename OR gzip -dc filename | tar -xvf -
- Open and read the Read Me file for the software you downloaded. Instructions
for installing the software vary depending on which product you've downloaded.
Instructions for Netscape Communicator and Netscape 6 also appear below.
Installing Netscape Communicator on Linux:
- When the file is uncompressed, a Bourne shell script called ns-install is
created. To run it, type:
- When prompted, either press Return/Enter to accept the default, or enter
the path to the installation directory of your choice. You will be notified
if you do not have permission to install in the directory specified or if
the directory does not exist.
- To start Communicator, change directory to the directory where you installed
it, and type:
Installing Netscape 6 on Linux:
Important: Netscape 6 is supported on Linux
machines only.
- When the file is uncompressed, change to the "netscape-installer" directory:
cd netscape-installer
- Run the Netscape 6 Installer with the run script:
- To start Netscape 6, change directory to the directory where you installed
it, and type: