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SillyDog701 Site Map

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Netscape Browser Archive:

featuring Netscape Browser Archive (main page): your best Netscape downloading resource
* Message Board: place for asking all sorts of questions relating to Netscape products.
* Netscape 7.1 Streamline: (available in English and Japanese versions) No junks, no unwanted addons, just one small compact size easy download, better than ever!
* Netscape 7.02 Streamline: (available in English and Japanese versions) No junks, no unwanted addons, just one small compact size easy download, better than ever! (only 40% for Netscape 7.02 Streamline, and 32% for Navigator 7.02 standalone.)
* Netscape 7.01 Streamline: No junks, no unwanted addons, just one single download, better than ever! (only 42% for Netscape 7.01 Streamline, and 33% for Navigator 7.01 standalone.)
* Netscape 7.0 Streamline: No junks, no unwanted addons, just one small download (only 41% for Netscape 7.0 Streamline, and 32% for Navigator 7.0 standalone.)
* Netscape 7 stripped-down package: One single Netscape 7.0 PR1 downloadable file, with only 42% (file size) of original package from Netscape Communication Corp.
* Netscape Communicator with Calendar: special version only from SillyDog701
* Netscape 6.xx Streamline Series: One single Netscape 6.xx downloadable file, with less than 50% file size of original package from Netscape Communication Corp. Although we recommend you to use Netscape 7.xx, we archived our past popular products!

To Navigate Netscape Browser Archive:

* About Netscape Browser Archive page
* main Browser Archive page
* Latest Netscape
* Netscape 8 section
* Netscape 7 and Netscape 6 section
* Netscape Communicator 4.xx section
* Netscape Navigator 3, 2, 1.xx and 0.xx section
* Mozilla Application Suite section

Netscape related:

featuring Netscape Version Guide: Summary of Netscape development and press releases about Netscape.
* Netscape NOW! Buttons (images)
* Book of Mozilla
* Netscape 6 Installation Guide (step-by-step)
* "Very Netscape" Wallpaper: the desktop wallpaper made by Silly Dog 701.
* Tips for Netscape Communicator 4.xx
* Netscape Knowledge Base: A collection of information, how-to, troubleshooting guides.
* Netscape Quick Reference Card

Mozilla section, MozInfo701

* MozInfo701 - Mozilla Information and Resource Centre
* The relationship between Netscape, Mozilla and SillyDog701 - a quick guide and a historical perspective.
* MozInfo701 article list

Switch Guide

* Switch Guide (home)
* Why Switch
* Press
feature * How to Switch, the an important section listing termonology differences between IE and Netscape/Mozilla and detailing the processes of procedures such as importing Outlook Express e-mail information and IE Favorites.
* Download Now


Microsoft's Hidden Files: Microsoft records every websites you've ever visited and all your e-mails, even if you cleared the history/temp files and e-mail box.
What's So Bad About Microsoft: A detailed article describing how bad Microsoft is, including software user's, technical and everybody's perspective.
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* Message Centre topic listing

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This page was last modified on 1 January, 2006.
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